Read Me
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow - Gabrielle Zevin (Link)
When I started this book, I had no idea what to expect. I remember making my way through this and thinking one night of the characters, Sam when I was out with friends. I don’t remember exactly what made me think of him, but the fact that I was mad at him. Here I am out socializing but had a fictional character in my head, what happened? Why was I angry about a freaking book character? Holy shit, that novel hooked me!! That’s what happened! By the time I got to the end, I was blown away about how amazing this read was. It’s a tear jerker in some moments, it’s tough to process in others, but what a ride, the love between the protagonists. All the feels. Wow. It’s showing up on a lot of Top lists for 2022 and supposedly the audiobook version is amazing. Someone go listen to it and let me know if I need to re-experience all this emotional roller coaster again.
Being Free of Photography Dogmas -- Walkie Talkie with Reuben Radding
Paulie B has been putting out a great street photography series called Walkie Talkie about photographers talking craft while out shooting. There are a lot of characters in this as well, some known, some unknown. Well, known, if you follow contemporary street photography. This one stands out because Reuben Radding just lays it all out there. What you need to worry about and what you don’t. How you need limits to feel free. It makes me want to give up everything and find my photographic essence. Just watch the video.
Farewell to 3G (Link)
Worked in telecommunications for over 20 years. Worked through the lifecycle of 2G and 3G. Was there when 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G launched. High speed wireless data changed everything.
The End…For Now
Okay, we’ve both made it through another post. I’m having fun creating these posts and sharing these links with you. Maybe a Buzzfeed list in the future, probably not, but it’s making me try and find new things. Just working on trying to set a cadence has forced me to look outside my normal bubble to find interesting things to share. I really do appreciate you reading this and I hope one of the links leads you down a new rabbit hole. Until next time.